Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Return to classic World of Warcraft

As I have been playing more and more Warcraft on my break from work, I have decided to revive my old wow-themed blog after a five year absence to share my thoughts on my occasional and more frequent visits to Azeroth.

I like the fact that there are two flavors of Warcraft available to me nowadays: Classic and retail and to be quite frank, I like them both, and I plan to keep playing both in the new year, although if I have to choose, I am liking my time in classic more than retail for many reasons.

The primary reason I like classic, or vanilla, is because of the social aspect. There is a social aspect to vanilla wow that cannot be easily found in the new version of the game. I won't really rehash this in the post as it has been documented quite heavily ever since Blizz shut down the Nos server back in mid 2016.

I think YouTuber Trade Chat makes a good case for pros and cons regarding classic servers in her video from about a month ago following the BlizzCon announcement where they recanted their stance on legacy servers. I had a lot of the same thoughts. (see the vid below)

Boogie also made a good vid about a year and a half ago after the Nostalrious shut down.  (see link)

As I said, my reasons vary for enjoying the classic version more than the current version, though I plan to continue playing the latter at least to level up a few toons for pvp and for gaming once the new expansion comes out. Yet, whenever I think about logging on to play wow, it is classic or vanilla which I find closest to the game I loved to play back in 2007-8 when I first started. For one thing, there are no restrictions to chat channels right off the bat I messaged people on vanilla and they were helpful and even invited me to a guild which I now belong to with fellow vanilla players. That almost never happens nowadays on retail. So while on my Christmas vacations, I befriended a group and leveled an undead warrior by the name of Jawbones to level 10 (as of this post) and had a good time playing with the folks on the guild. And isn't that what an mmorpg experience should be like? That's what I love about these games most. So tomorrow will be the first and last Warcraft Wednesday of 2017, but I look forward to sharing my wow experiences and ruminations of Vanilla and regular servers in the new year. 

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