Thursday, December 22, 2011

RvR beats Wow pvp by a long stretch

Last time I was in Azeroth with my mage I came face to face with Garrosh in Ogrimmar, and I was suprised to see how much the place had changed since Cata's drop.
Color me embarrassed. So it turns out that SWTOR's release was on Dec.20, a Tuesday, not a Wednesday. However, just because I had the wrong day set on my mind for launch day, does not invalidate a lot of the information I presented last post.

I think that it is too early to tell what the long-term impact SWTOR will have on wow on any other MMORPG, for that matter. Most of the gaming forums I frequent or while playing any mmo, all I heard from a lot of players is that they could not wait until SWTOR's release, or that they were just playing the other game until "Star Wars launches" which led me to conclude that it would be a force to be reckoned with, even one that could alter the face of mmos for years to come. I bought into some of the hype, but still reserved the right to judge by myself.

As for my resolve to get back into wow, I have to confess that I have been a bit distracted this week by end of the year life issues, holiday work parties, xmas shopping, things of that nature. Looking back at my previous history with the game, even though I have been playing it all along since 2008, if I had been doing so continously without any breaks to try out other games and do other things, I would probably have several toons at level cap by now, but that just hasn't been the case. MMOs are big time sinks, but I have not had either the attention span nor the time itself to dedicate to any game exclusively, wow included.

Such was the case again last night, realizing that Mythic would give me an extra 14 days to retry DAoC, I downloaded the game and jumped back into Camelot and had a blast! PvP in DAoC is superior to most any games, especially once you get into b.g.s which are different from warcraft's because there is something about ganking opposing realm members in a vast open space. The mechanics are simply different. I don't know how long I will be playing DAoC, maybe after my trial runs out, I may sub for another 30 days. But I will return to Azeroth at least twice a week, and definitely on Wednesdays.

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